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Here you will find information about my career as a journalist, author, and television producer, and the people I have worked with along the way.

Oscar Award Winner Mo'Nique shares her ... Read more.

Need a great story on a tight deadline? E-mail me at sherrimccovey@gmail.com.

Television Writing/Producing Specialties:
Award shows
Competition shows
Cooking shows
Game shows
Real/celebrity talk shows
Conflict resolution shows
Magazine and Publishing Specialties:
Print magazines
Online publications
Expertise writing about food, health, celebrity, pop culture, humor, stories of hope, resilience, and lifestyle content
Celebrity memoir collaborations
I’m Passionate About:
Producing vivid and captivating stories both in print and on-screen
Collaborating with prominent authors and producers
Researching compelling stories and spotlighting them in print and on-screen
Writing magazine and web features
Editors/Executive Producers Know Me For:
Working well with all levels of production from Executive Producers to PA’s
Crafting compelling storylines
Making projects enjoyable
Turning around tight deadlines
Delivering well-written articles, manuscripts, and television scripts

Who am I?
Sherri McGee McCovey
Journalist/Television Producer/Author
I am a storyteller at heart. A chronicler of African American culture – from magazines and books to film and television. Our stories are American stories. While we have come a long way in this country in terms of diversity, equity, and inclusion, there are more of our stories to tell. I do it not just for the culture but for the world to see the majesty of Black people and our ability to excel despite the obstacles put in front of us. Our resilient spirit inspires me every day and with every story.